Introduction To The Barrie-Kempenfelt Probus Club
The purpose of Probus Clubs is to provide monthly meetings for retired and semi-retired professional and business persons and others with like background, who, in their retirement, appreciate and value increased opportunities for social contacts, meeting others, hearing presentations on and discussing topical subjects, and visiting interesting places and cultural events.
Since many members are already active in the service of their community, the activities of Probus Clubs are strictly social. Probus Clubs are non-political and non-sectarian; they are not involved in fund-raising and are not a service club. Members are expected to refrain from promoting their charitable or business interests.
The Barrie-Kempenfelt Probus Club is a mixed club. Monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of every month at the Royal Canadian Legion in Barrie or such other location as the Management Committee shall select. Meetings include the introduction of guests and executive reports, a coffee break and socializing period, and a speaker’s presentation, often followed by a question period. The December meeting is a Christmas luncheon. A Social Committee organizes trips to interesting places and theatre performances, additional to the regular monthly meetings.
Prospective members shall attend at least one monthly meeting as the guest of a member or as the guest of the Management Committee. Membership application forms are available and shall be completed at the meeting; application forms will not be mailed out. Prospective members may attend a maximum of two monthly meetings as guests.
Annual dues are $60.00 per person with a one-time initiation fee of $15.00, payable on joining.
For further information, please contact:
Patricia Smith, Membership Chair
The Barrie-Kempenfelt Probus Club